How Does Fat Leave Your Body During Weight Loss?

How Does Fat Leave Your Body During Weight Loss?

Ever wonder where the fat goes when you are on a weight loss diet?

Most people think that fat converts to energy; some think fat turns into muscle, and others assume it escapes via excretion.

Knowing more about fat metabolism becomes necessary due to many misconceptions about how weight loss works. Not just that, where you lose fat also plays a crucial role.

Understanding Body Fat
There are two types of body fat. One is visceral fat or white adipose tissue. It is often present around the belly and accumulates around the organs.

It is a little stubborn and leads to health complications like diabetes and fatty liver disease. So it’s necessary to try and avoid visceral fat. If you have visceral fat, start focusing on healthy eating and leading an active lifestyle.

The second type of fat is brown adipose tissue. It is the essential or good fat with various vital functions. For example, brown adipose tissue regulates body temperature by burning calories and keeping the body warm. Brown fat also has a more significant number of capillaries, which helps transport nutrients and oxygen throughout the body.

When you consume more calories than your body needs, the body stores it in fat cells in the form of triglycerides. Whether it’s liquid or solid, all fat is present as triglycerides. When you overeat and lead a sedentary lifestyle, these fat cells can build up and cause weight gain.

How Does Fat Leave the Body When You Lose Weight?
Fat loss is a complex process. When you’re on a weight-loss regimen, the fat cells start to shrink. A recently published study shows that you breathe out the fat, or your lungs expel around 84% of the fat as carbon dioxide. Therefore, you’re breathing away those pounds.

For example, if you lose 10 kg of fat, about 8.4 kg of fat comes out through your lungs, and only 1.6 kilograms turn into water. Therefore, the lungs are the primary organ through which you lose fat.

The fat cells in your body store triglycerides, a type of fat in the blood made of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. So to lose weight, you need to break down those triglycerides.

The triglycerides release fat as carbon dioxide and water atoms during fat metabolism or oxidation. In other words, fat leaves the body as carbon dioxide when you exhale.

The fat which becomes water mixes into your circulation until it’s lost as urine, tears, sweat and other bodily fluids. Therefore, exercise is an integral part of weight loss since your body disposes of fat through sweat, urine, and exhaled air.

The point to remember here is that you need oxygen to complete this metabolic process. The fat metabolic process requires ample oxygen, nearly three times the fat you lose. So, to completely lose 10 kg of human fat, around 30 kg of oxygen must be inhaled to oxidise fat to carbon dioxide.

Are You Losing Fat? Simple Ways to Know
There are a couple of signs that show you’re burning fat, or you can consult a professional to know for sure. The most significant changes are feeling healthier overall and waking up feeling less sluggish.

Some other signs of fat loss are:

You’ll see changes in your body composition. Losing pounds or losing inches is the primary sign you’re burning fat. It leads to a slimmer appearance and more muscle definition.
Your exercise stamina increases, and you are getting fitter. As a result, your physical activity level shows improvement.
You don’t feel any energy slump in the afternoon and experience a better mid-day energy level. In addition, your energy stays stable throughout the day.
Tips for Losing Excess Fat
When starting weight loss, it’s important to allow the body time and not to try shortcut methods such as using diet pills and fat burners that can cause the body harm in the long run.

There are no shortcuts to weight loss and remembering that your body needs time to recover and adapt is step one. Not all bodies have a similar metabolic rate, which explains why we all can eat and exercise the same, but our bodies will still look very different.

Losing the excess fat cells is about the difference between your calorie intake and the calories burnt. To initiate the weight loss process, you must be on a calorie deficit, i.e. you must eat fewer calories than you burn. However, too much calorie deficit can disrupt your day to day activities as you will not have enough energy.

You can maintain a calorie deficit in two ways. One is by burning more calories, and the other is by putting fewer calories in the body. When you follow both of these simultaneously, you will be able to see the results quickly.

You can burn more calories by engaging in physical activity. You can put fewer calories in your body by closely monitoring your diet. Research on this subject has shown that a calorie deficit of 500 to 1000 kilocalories (kcal) per day is a practical way to lose weight.

Engage in Physical Activity
A big reason for the global crisis of being overweight is insufficient physical activity. The leading cause of this is the passive nature of most occupations and people’s inappropriate time to undertake any physical activity.

Doing sufficient physical activity ensures that you are burning calories, which isn’t taking place in reality.

Doing moderate-intensity exercise for 150-250 minutes per week can be helpful for fat loss. You can do various physical activities to accelerate fat loss through sweat and exhalation. These include:

Weight training
Bodyweight movements
Diet Planning
The second tool in the weight loss journey is your diet. What you eat and how much you eat determine how much fat you can lose.

A calorie deficit diet plan will help you but you need one that still provides you with the necessary amount of protein, complex carbs, healthy fats, vitamins and minerals. Pre planning your meals or following a proper plan allows you to have healthy, delicious, low-cal meals. You can keep the following things in mind when it comes to diet for weight loss:

Increase Your fruit and vegetable intake
Recent research has shown that fruits and vegetables have a lot of fibre and water with fewer calories. As a result, it satisfies your hunger and, at the same time, significantly reduces your calorie intake. So try to eat lots of fibre and protein to balance the meals.

Use smaller plates to eat from
An interesting study shows that people fill up about 70% of their plates with food, regardless of the plate size. So, reducing the size of utensils will likely help you reduce your overall calorie intake.

Mindful Eating
Try to eat slowly. It tricks the brain that you have eaten enough. Be mindful of the nutritional value per serving. The Japanese believe in stopping when they are 80% full.

Limit distractions when you are taking meals. It helps focus your attention on your food. A study shows that attentive and mindful eating is likely to reduce food intake. It serves as a novel approach to aid weight loss without the need for conscious calorie counting. Additionally, mindful eating can also help avoid overeating.

Getting rid of excess weight is highly beneficial, especially in the long run. It is necessary to maintain healthy body weight to lead a long and healthy life. However, beginners should be cautious of some misconceptions and take adequate precautions, so there is no harm to their bodies.

Do Not Eat Skip Meals
A lot of people commit this error. They start skipping meals or eating too little, thinking that it will help them lose weight fast. Unfortunately, this approach does not work. Instead, it is harmful.

Eating too little deprives your body of its energy to continue essential functions. Eating less also weakens your immune system and makes you more susceptible to diseases. If you want to cut down on calories, do it slowly.

Spot Reduction Does Not Exist
The concept of spot reducing or selective reduction of fat is not possible. Spot reducing is the misconception that you can burn fat from a specific body part by selectively exercising that area.

However, putting too much focus on a particular muscle or group of muscles to reduce fat might not lead to good results. Instead, that would cause you to overtrain those muscles, which might cause muscle rupture and damage.

Do Not Lose Fat Too Fast
You need to understand that only a sustainable journey is beneficial in the long run. Rapid fat loss will do more harm than good. A study shows that body composition is more favourable following a slow weight loss.

Rapid fat loss can lead to many problems like headaches, fatigue, body pain, micronutrient deficiency and muscle loss. In women, rapid weight loss causes menstrual irregularities. Instead, aim for a gradual process, which will be more enjoyable and sustainable.

Despite society’s obsession with weight loss, most people don’t know what happens to fat when they lose it. Contrary to popular belief, your body doesn’t convert your fat into heat or energy. Instead, you breathe it out.

So the correct answer is that you breathe out most fat you lose as carbon dioxide. After that, it goes into thin air. But unfortunately, this doesn’t mean that simply breathing will help you lose weight.

Therefore, you still need to do regular exercise to break down the fat in the first place. Moreover, you can only breathe so many times a day. So there’s a limit on how much fat you will lose in a day with no exercise.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
A. Yes. When you gain weight, your skin stretches to cover your entire body. Even if you lose weight, you still have the stretched skin covering your body. However, now, the fat cells have decreased in size. It leaves the skin loose and flappy. But you can get rid of this loose skin and tone your body by including weight training and muscle building exercises in your exercise regime. It will make your skin tightly wrap around your body.

A. There is no such thing as spot reduction, and it does not work. However, some individuals first shed weight from a particular area like thighs and arms, and some from other places. However, this is different for different individuals and cannot be generalised.

A. A good diet and exercise regime can help you lose weight quickly. However, it would help if you kept in mind that the concept is about the number of calories you eat and the calories you burn. In addition, the fat loss journey varies amongst different bodies.

A. Yes, when you lose weight, energy from fat cells throughout the body is released uniformly. So the belly fat will also go away as you lose weight.

A. Various signs indicate that your body is losing weight. The most obvious one is that you will see your clothes fitting differently. You will also know that you are no longer hungry all the time. You may also see some muscles building up as you shed more pounds. Further, you experience general well being and an elevated mood when you lose weight.

A. Approximately 16% of the fat you lose is released from your body through liquids. It can be in the form of urine and sweat. When our bodies undergo a fat loss process, the urine colour often changes to bright or dark yellow. In addition, it is not necessary to have an oily appearance.

A. Different individuals have different responses to fat loss regimes. However, losing weight from the love handles and the lower back is the most difficult for many people. In addition, visceral fat in the belly region is also hard to lose.

A. The breakdown of fat cells occurs in two primary forms. One is in the form of water, and the fat leaves as sweat or urine. In addition, about 84% of fat leaves your body as carbon dioxide during exhalation.

A. Weight loss generally occurs in 4 stages. The first stage is Glycogen depletion. The second stage is the actual fat loss. It is the stage people aim to reach when they think about weight loss. The third step is the weight loss plateau, where weight loss becomes extremely slow. The fourth stage is related to metabolic recovery. Please note that this process occurs whenever weight loss occurs throughout the body.

A. Fat burning happens when your body is at a calorie deficit. Weight loss is related to fat loss. When you are on a calorie deficit regime, the body breaks down fat through oxidation.

A. Though different people lose weight from other areas fast when they are on a weight loss regime, most find it difficult to lose weight from the stomach area. The reason for delayed results in the belly area is the presence of alpha cells in the fat cells stored in the belly area. Moreover, the visceral fat in the belly region is hard to lose.

A. To get a flat stomach, you need to follow a properly planned diet and exercises. Both these things, when done simultaneously, can start to produce results in 6-12 weeks depending on the person’s medical and physical conditions

How Does Fat Leave the Body? Unraveling the Science of Weight Loss

How Does Fat Leave the Body? Unraveling the Science of Weight Loss


Key Highlights:

  • Fat is an essential part of the human body, playing roles in energy storage and insulation
  • Fat loss occurs through a process called lipolysis and beta-oxidation, which converts fat into energy
  • Most fiat loss byproducts, such as carbon dioxide and water, leave the body via respiration, urination, and perspiration
  • Factors like diet, exercise, hormones, and metabolic rate can influence individual fat loss patterns
  • To promote fat loss and maintain a healthy weight, it’s essential to make smart dietary choices, stay physically active, and address factors like sleep and stress management


Fat loss is often not fully understood. Do you know how does fat leave the body? where it goes when you lose weight? You’re not alone if you’re unsure. Here, we’ll explain the science of fat loss. It will also have useful tips for weight loss.

You might think that fat turns into energy or muscle. But it’s not that simple. Let’s dive deeper to understand the process. We’ll look at the role of fat. We’ll explore how your body burns fat. We’ll talk about the factors that affect fat loss. Lastly, we’ll share tips for weight control.

how does fat leave the body

Did you know?

  • The majority of fat is exhaled as carbon dioxide when we lose weight. [source:]
  • Fat is broken down into carbon dioxide and water during weight loss. [source:]
  • Only a small amount of fat is converted into energy or heat during weight loss. [source:]
  • Fat cells shrink in size when we lose weight, but the number of fat cells remains the same. [source:]
  • Breathing is the primary way fat leaves the body when we lose weight. [source:]

The Science of Fat and Weight Loss

Have you ever thought about what fat is? How does fat leave your body? How does it work in our bodies? Let’s look at different body fat types and their roles. We’ll also explain how our body stores and uses fat.

The Role of Fat in the Human Body 

Fat has key roles. These are:

  • Storing energy: Fat stores extra energy as triglycerides
  • Keeping us warm: Fat insulates us
  • Making hormones: Fat tissue makes hormones that control many biological processes

Research has indicated that fat is eliminated from the body during its metabolism. This metabolic process produces two byproducts, namely water and carbon dioxide, which are expelled from the body through mechanisms such as sweating, urination, and exhalation of carbon dioxide from the lungs.

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

Types of Body Fat 

Here are two main body fat types:

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  1. White adipose tissue (WAT): It stores energy. It releases fatty acids when energy is low. You can find it under your skin and around your organs.
  2. Brown adipose tissue (BAT): It’s “good” fat. It controls body heat by burning calories. It comes from muscle tissue. It has more mitochondria than WAT.

How our body stores and utilizes fat 

Triglycerides and the energy storage process 

When you eat too much, the extra energy becomes fat. This fat is stored as triglyceride molecules. Triglycerides contain carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms. Over time, if you keep eating too much, you gain weight. Your body composition also changes.

Let’s delve into the following table and see the function of each type of body fat:

Type of Body Fat Function
White Adipose Tissue (WAT) Energy storage, insulation, hormone production
Brown Adipose Tissue (BAT) Regulating body temperature by burning calories for heat

The Fat-Burning Process 

To shed weight, your body needs to use stored fat for energy. This makes your fat cells smaller. So how do we make this happen? Let’s discuss fat oxidation.


Turning fat into usable energy 

  • Lipolysis and beta-oxidation 

Lipolysis is a process where thefat cells release stored triglycerides into the bloodstream.. These are broken downinto free fatty acids. Then, these fatty acids go through beta-oxidation to release ATP (adenosine triphosphate) molecules along with water and carbon dioxide. ATP is the energy source for all body cells.

Fat loss byproducts and how they leave the body 

  • Water, carbon dioxide, and energy 

When stored fat breaks down, it turns into water, CO2, and energy

  • The role of respiration in fat loss 

While breathing, we breathe out CO2. About 84% of lost fat leaves our bodies as CO2.

  • Excretion via bodily fluids 

The remaining 16% of lost fat becomes water. This leaves our bodies through urine, sweat, and other bodily fluids.

Now, have a look at the following table to understand how fat loss byproducts leave our bodies:

Fat Loss Byproduct Mode of Excretion
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Respiration (breathing out)
Water (H2O) Urination, perspiration, and other bodily fluids

To my knowledge, when the body metabolises fat, it exits in the form of water through sweat and urine.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, MD

Factors Influencing Fat Loss 

A lot of things can affect your rate of fat loss. Your diet, exercise routine, hormones, and metabolism.Each plays its part.


1. Diet and nutrition 

Eating well is important for weight control and fat loss. If you don’t eat right, your body won’t burn fat as it should. Getting the right balance of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats is key. Each plays a unique role in your body. The right balance may provide enough energy and support fat loss.

2. Exercise and physical activity 

  • The role of exercise in burning fat

Exercise helps burn calories. This creates a calorie deficit and aids fat loss. It also improves blood circulation, feeding our cells with oxygen and nutrients. This may help remove waste too.

  • Different types of workouts for maximizing fat loss

Mixing up your workouts is helpful. Some good ideas are aerobic activities, resistance training, and high-intensity interval training (HIIT). This may help with fat loss.

3. Hormonal balance and metabolic rate 

  • Influence of hormones on fat storage and burning

Hormones play a big role in weight and body fat control. For instance, insulin and leptin can affect your appetite and energy balance.

  • How metabolism affects weight loss

Your metabolism determines how efficiently your body changes food into energy. A slow metabolism can make losing weight harder. But a quick one can help burn fat.

Kindly refer to the following table for the impact each factor has on weight loss:

Factor Weight Loss Influence
Diet and Nutrition Promotes healthy eating habits and macronutrient balance
Exercise and Physical Activity Increases calorie expenditure, blood flow, and oxygen delivery
Hormonal Balance Influences appetite control, fat storage, and energy balance
Metabolic Rate Determines how efficiently your body converts food to energy

Where Does Fat Go First During Weight Loss?

Fat loss patterns in the body 

Different people may lose fat in different patterns. This is due to factors like genes, sex, and lifestyle habits. But remember, you can’t lose weight from just one body part at a time.


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Factors Affecting Fat Loss Distribution 

Your genetics, hormones, and body structure can affect how and where you lose fat. Certain medcations and health conditions can too.

Stubborn Fat and why it’s Hard to lose 

Even though fat loss is gradual, some areas may be tougher. The belly and hips, for example, can resist fat loss. They have more alpha 2-adrenergic receptors, which slow down fat burning.

Tips for Promoting Fat Loss and Maintaining a Healthy Weight

If you want to lose weight and stay healthy, here’s what you may do:

1. Smart dietary choices 

  • Portion control: Watching what you eat can prevent overeating. It can help with weight loss too.
  • Incorporating whole foods and avoiding processed foods: Eat whole foods. Stay away from processed ones. This gives you the nutrients you need. It also supports a balanced diet, good health, and fat loss.

2. Staying physically active 

Including fun activities makes it easier to stick to a workout routine. It gives better weight loss results. Just make sure your workout plan fits your fitness level and your goals.

3. Ensuring proper sleep and stress management 

Bad sleep and stress can make you put on weight.They throw your hormones off balance, causing hunger and fat storage. If you tackle these, you’ll have better weight loss.

However, if you suffer from any medical condition, its best to consult your healthcare provider and know what type of exercise and diet will be most suitable for you to achieve your goal.


Look at the following table to understand how each tip helps in weight loss and maintenance:

Tip Effect on Weight Loss and Maintenance
Smart Dietary Choices Promotes balanced eating and nutrient intake
Staying Physically Active Boosts metabolism and increases calorie expenditure
Proper Sleep and Stress Management Supports hormonal balance for optimized weight control

Also Read: How to Lose Face Fat: Proven Methods to Try at Home

The Challenge of Keeping Weight Off

Factors contributing to weight regain

You can put weight back on if you go back to poor eating, stop working out, or ignore hormonal imbalances.


Strategies for maintaining a healthy weight

To stay at a healthy weight, stay true to your diet, keep exercising, and manage stress. The earlier tips may help you do this.


Knowing how fat loss works is key to losing weight. Remember, every person’s journey is different. Factors such as diet, exercise, hormones, and metabolism affect how you lose fat and your success. By using the practical tips shared here, like eating right, exercising often, and dealing with sleep and stress, you’re more likely to lose fat and stay healthy for many years to come.

Losing fat needs hard work, consistency, and a clear understanding of weight loss science. As you start on your weight loss journey, remember, changes start at a tiny level. Stick with it, and you’ll see the benefits of a healthier, more self-assured you.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


  1. ScienceDirect. ! There was a problem providing the content you requested [Internet]. [cited 2023 Sep 19]. Available from:
  1. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). The Influence of Meal Frequency and Timing on Health in Humans: The Role of Fasting [Internet]. [cited 2023 Sep 19]. Available from:
  1. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Pattern of Daily Steps is Associated with Weight Loss: Secondary Analysis from the Step-Up Randomized Trial [Internet]. [cited 2023 Sep 19]. Available from:,loss%20in%20a%20behavioral%20intervention.
  1. British Medical Journal (BMJ). When somebody loses weight, where does the fat go? [Internet]. [cited 2023 Sep 19]. Available from:
  1. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). “Calories in, calories out” and macronutrient intake: the hope, hype, and science of calories [Internet]. [cited 2023 Sep 19]. Available from:
  1. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Physical activity, food intake, and body weight regulation: insights from doubly labeled water studies [Internet]. [cited 2023 Sep 19]. Available from:
  1. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Dietary intakes associated with successful weight loss and maintenance during the Weight Loss Maintenance Trial [Internet]. [cited 2023 Sep 19]. Available from:
  1. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). The Role of Exercise and Physical Activity in Weight Loss and Maintenance [Internet]. [cited 2023 Sep 19]. Available from:
  1. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). American College of Sports Medicine Position Stand. Appropriate physical activity intervention strategies for weight loss and prevention of weight regain for adults [Internet]. [cited 2023 Sep 19]. Available from:
  1. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Diet, exercise or diet with exercise: comparing the effectiveness of treatment options for weight-loss and changes in fitness for adults (18–65 years old) who are overfat, or obese; systematic review and meta-analysis [Internet]. [cited 2023 Sep 19]. Available from:
  1. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). The respiratory muscles during exercise [Internet]. [cited 2023 Sep 19]. Available from:
  1. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Sweating Rate and Sweat Sodium Concentration in Athletes: A Review of Methodology and Intra/Interindividual Variability [Internet]. [cited 2023 Sep 19]. Available from:
  1. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). The effect of abdominal exercise on abdominal fat [Internet]. [cited 2023 Sep 19]. Available from:
  1. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Subcutaneous fat alterations resulting from an upper-body resistance training program [Internet]. [cited 2023 Sep 19]. Available from:
  1. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Role of Body Fat Distribution and the Metabolic Complications of Obesity [Internet]. [cited 2023 Sep 19]. Available from:
  1. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Effects of weight gain and weight loss on regional fat distribution 1, 2, 3, 4 [Internet]. [cited 2023 Sep 19]. Available from:
  1. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). The role for adipose tissue in weight regain after weight loss [Internet]. [cited 2023 Sep 19]. Available from:
  1. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Physiological response of adipocytes to weight loss and maintenance [Internet]. [cited 2023 Sep 19]. Available from:
  1. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Comparison of a low-energy diet and a very low-energy diet in sedentary obese individuals: a pragmatic randomized controlled trial [Internet]. [cited 2023 Sep 19]. Available from:
  1. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Rapid Weight Loss vs. Slow Weight Loss: Which is More Effective on Body Composition and Metabolic Risk Factors? [Internet]. [cited 2023 Sep 19]. Available from:
  1. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). The effect of rate of weight loss on long-term weight regain in adults with overweight and obesity [Internet]. [cited 2023 Sep 19]. Available from:
  1. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Persistent metabolic adaptation 6 years after The Biggest Loser competition [Internet]. [cited 2023 Sep 19]. Available from:
  1. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). 2013 AHA/ACC/TOS Guideline for the Management of Overweight and Obesity in Adults [Internet]. [cited 2023 Sep 19]. Available from:
  1. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Examining Variations of Resting Metabolic Rate of Adults: A Public Health Perspective [Internet]. [cited 2023 Sep 19]. Available from:
  1. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Body composition changes with aging: the cause or the result of alterations in metabolic rate and macronutrient oxidation? [Internet]. [cited 2023 Sep 19]. Available from:
  1. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Acute partial sleep deprivation increases food intake in healthy men [Internet]. [cited 2023 Sep 19]. Available from:
  1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). How much physical activity do adults need? [Internet]. [cited 2023 Sep 19]. Available from:

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How to fight against the common illnesses with natural remedies!  

How to fight against the common illnesses with natural remedies!

home remedies for common illnesses

Common illnesses like cold and cough, fever, headaches can be even more common than we can think!  We have no practical solution for these illnesses other than popping over the counter (OTC) pills to suppress the symptoms and waiting for them to reoccur.

If that one pill doesn’t work, they pop up the second one and after the second one doesn’t work they end up in doctor’s cabin asking for some more medicines. Taking these medicines over and over again is simply abusing our bodies. Side effects of the medicines are no less which gives us a chance to try and change our approach.

Remember how our grandmothers resorted to old traditional home remedies for better health? Those remedies are now being used as a part of naturopathy treatment. Before reaching out to these over the counter pills, let’s try and combine our herbs, spices and right diet to fight these illnesses.

Let’s understand each common illnesses one by one:-

  • Common cold

I am sure each one of us has suffered from common cold and can completely relate to its symptoms. It is perhaps the most common illness in the world. There was a research where data was collated to find out maximum sick leave reason and the data revealed that common cold topped the charts. There is no permanent cure for common cold.

Well, I have seen people taking antibiotics for getting rid of common cold. Antibiotics can do nothing for a common cold. If you are prescribed one then you might as well ask your doctor to give you something else because antibiotics only work against infections caused by bacteria but common cold is caused by a virus.

There is no permanent cure for common cold. There are more than 200 strains of viruses and it is difficult for the body to build up immunity against every strain which is why you see common cold hitting you always!

Symptoms of a common cold:

  • A severe headache
  • A sore throat
  • Fever
  • Congestion
  • Watery eyes
  • A cough
  • Nasal congestion
  • Sneezing

How to prevent the common cold?

(i) Include antioxidant-rich foods in your diet

  • It is important to boost your immunity and Vitamin C can act as an excellent immune-boosting nutrient.
  • Include raw fruits and vegetables which has PRANIC energy in your diet.

(ii) Include Bioflavonoids rich foods in your diet

  • Bioflavonoids were once known as Vitamin P.
  • These compounds help in fighting against the common cold.
  • Lemon, sweet lime, chillies, green pepper, grapes are good sources of bioflavonoids.

Natural remedies to cure a common cold:

(i) Ingredients:

  • Lime juice
  • Cayenne pepper
  • Manuka or organic honey
  • Water


  • Dilute 2 tbsp of lime juice + Pinch of cayenne pepper + 1 tsp of manuka honey in a ½ cup of warm water.


  • Have it early morning on empty stomach to prevent cold.
  • Take this concoction 3 times a day before breakfast, lunch and dinner if you are suffering from cold.

(ii)  Ingredients:

  • Fresh ginger juice
  • Fresh garlic juice
  • Turmeric powder
  • Elaichi or Cardamom


  • Brew 2 tbsp of fresh ginger juice + 1 tbsp of fresh garlic juice + pinch of turmeric powder + 2 elaichi (cardamom) pods in 200 ml of water
  • Boil this decoction and then simmer it for 2 minutes.
  • Strain the water and add 1 tsp of a mishri or khadi shaker, drink this decoction warm

  Dosage :

  • 3 times a day till cold and cough subsides

(2) Fever

In my opinion, fever is the most misunderstood common issue. Everybody has a different definition of fever. Whenever your body temperature crosses 98.6 F, chances of getting fever becomes high. Medically, temperature above 100.4 F is termed as fever.

What causes fever?

It is important for everyone to know what causes fever. Fever is actually a response to your body against foreign invaders.

What are these foreign invaders?






These foreign invaders are considered to be pyrogens or fever-producing substances. These pyrogens trigger the brain to raise the body temperature so that the body can fight these foreign invaders.

I have seen people popping up pills with a slight rise in body temperature. I have given this explanation above so that people understand that what is this fever and why does it happen? Your immune system is very smart, it will manage things on its own for a while. Taking fever-reducing medicines means that you are interfering with your immune system’s work.

Usually, fever reduces in a day or two. If it doesn’t then please visit your healthcare practitioner before popping any pills. Fever can be a symptom of any disease.

Staying with fever is not a good idea, I understand. But, taking medicine for the same is a very bad idea. Try these natural remedies to reduce your fever, it will not interfere with your immune system and will give you some relief as well.


  • Dill seeds (Suva seeds)
  • Peppercorns (Kali Mirch )
  • Kalonji
  • Cinnamon powder
  • Water


  • Boil 1 tbsp of roasted dill seeds + 1 tsp of peppercorns powder + 1 tsp of Kalonji in 150 ml of water for about 6 mins. Let it stay warm for about 15 mins.
  • Strain this mixture and add a pinch of cinnamon powder
  • Drink this mixture warm
  • Repeat it till the body temperature reduces.

(3) A headache

This topic can be an article in itself. Discussing headache is a huge thing but to cut it short headaches have numerous causes and headaches are divided into 3 categories:

  • Primary
  • Secondary
  • Other

Primary headaches include a migraine, stress, cold and cough induced headaches. Secondary headaches include headaches caused by structural problems in the body especially head and neck.

Here are some natural remedies to manage a headache:

  • Eat 5 black raisins + 1 tsp of sesame seeds twice a day. Keep chewing it and then drink lukewarm water
  • 1 glass of fresh tomato juice once a day
  • Soak your feet in Epsom salt and relax for a while. A headache will be drastically reduced.

Hope these tips help you in dealing with common illnesses!

Note: If your symptoms do not get better then please see your healthcare practitioner.

Opt for natural remedies to combat common illnesses, embracing the wisdom of traditional healing. From immune-boosting foods to age-old home remedies, prioritize your well-being the holistic way. Empower your health with these simple yet effective solutions. For further information or guidance, reach out to our certified experts by subscribing to GOQii’s Personalised Health Coaching here.



Dr Trishala Chopra believes in fitness not because she is a lifestyle coach but because she has personally got into a fitness regime when she was constantly being ridiculed for being on the heavier side with extreme acne issues. The ridicule and criticisms were the tipping points for her to change herself and today she is glad she has reduced by more than 50%. By qualification she is a Doctor of naturopathy/alternative medicines, a post-graduate in Nutraceuticals and both these degrees has helped her gain extra knowledge about all fields in the Health Care industry. She has additional skills in the areas of Therapeutic nutrition and Ayurveda. Her fitness mantra is practice what you preach. She believes that for a healthy lifestyle, it is very important to have a healthy body and mind. This according to her can be attained through balanced nutrition and proper exercise. As a lifestyle coach, she helps individuals achieve their targets with respect to nutrition and exercise.

Health-Dexa Scan

A DEXA scan, which stands for dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, is a type of medical imaging test that uses low-dose X-rays to measure bone mineral density (BMD). BMD is a measure of how much mineral is packed into your bones, and it’s an important indicator of bone strength.

A DEXA scan is the most common and accurate way to diagnose osteoporosis, a condition that causes bones to become weak and brittle and increases the risk of fractures. It can also be used to:

  • Assess your risk for developing osteoporosis in the future
  • Monitor the effectiveness of osteoporosis treatment
  • Measure body composition, such as the percentage of body fat and muscle mass

A DEXA scan is a quick and painless procedure that typically takes about 10-15 minutes. You will lie on a padded table while a scanner passes overhead, taking X-rays of your bones. You may need to remove some clothing and jewelry, and you will be asked to lie still during the scan.

The results of a DEXA scan are typically expressed as a T-score. A T-score compares your BMD to the average BMD of a healthy young adult of the same sex. A T-score of:

  • -1 or above is considered normal
  • -1 to -2.5 is considered osteopenia, which means you have low bone density but not yet osteoporosis
  • Below -2.5 is considered osteoporosis


The typical cost of a DEXA scan in Noida can vary depending on several factors, including:

  • The type of scan: A whole-body scan will generally cost more than a scan of specific regions like the spine and hip.
  • The facility: Different diagnostic centers may have different pricing structures.
  • Discounts and promotions: Some labs may offer discounts for booking online or through aggregator services.

Based on my research, the typical cost of a DEXA scan in Noida falls within the range of ₹1,500 to ₹4,500. Here’s a breakdown:

  • Lowest reported cost: ₹1,512 (whole-body scan, booking through LabsAdvisor)
  • Average cost: ₹2,400 – ₹3,500 (two-site scan)
  • Highest reported cost: ₹4,000 (whole-body scan, market price)

It’s important to note that these are just estimates, and the actual cost may differ. To get the most accurate price quote, it’s recommended to contact the specific diagnostic center you’re considering and inquire about their current pricing for your desired type of DEXA scan.