April 2024


Wipro  – has new CEO Srinivas Pallia – he should be turning Wipro around. can the Wipro rebound

Import of electronic components Declines


ITC Hotels Plans to add 70 Properties in Five Years (Boom in Hospitality Sector)

Airtel Jio continue to have fierce Competition

Auto Continue to be bullish

10 April 2024

RIL , 2 more get Green light to Dock at Kandla


AI Compute GPU is next big game play

one of he GPU Providers https://yotta.com/

EV Retail Sales Grow across segments

Exercise can protect your brain





My Day Routine

Key Routine:

  1. Green Tea
  2. no Sugar till 2pm
  3. very less good till 2pm
  4. Workout is very important every day(walk, cycle, and resistance twice a day)



  1. Avoid Sugar in the Morning or because the glucose in the body spikes and then comes down, craving for more sugar
  2. Empty stomach workout and then skip breakfast by 2 hours and then eat moderately and during fasting drink Green tea
  3.  Meditation makes the brain anti ageing and it is must


Stationary Bike

i plan to buy stationary bike, what are the benefits

nvesting in a stationary bike can offer numerous health and fitness benefits. Here are some advantages of incorporating a stationary bike into your exercise routine:

  1. Cardiovascular Health:
    • Regular use of a stationary bike helps improve cardiovascular health by increasing your heart rate and promoting better circulation.
    • Cardiovascular exercise contributes to the strengthening of the heart and lungs.
  2. Weight Loss and Management:
    • Cycling is an effective way to burn calories, making it a valuable tool for weight loss or weight maintenance when combined with a balanced diet.
  3. Low-Impact Exercise:
    • Stationary biking is a low-impact exercise, meaning it puts less stress on your joints compared to high-impact activities like running.
    • This makes it suitable for people with joint issues or those recovering from injuries.
  4. Convenience and Accessibility:
    • Having a stationary bike at home provides convenience, allowing you to exercise at any time without the need to travel to a gym or deal with outdoor weather conditions.
  5. Customizable Workouts:
    • Many stationary bikes come with adjustable resistance levels, allowing you to customize the intensity of your workouts based on your fitness level and goals.
    • You can simulate different terrains and cycling conditions to add variety to your routine.
  6. Consistent Exercise Routine:
    • Having a stationary bike at home encourages regular exercise, as it eliminates some of the common barriers to working out, such as time constraints or concerns about outdoor safety.
  7. Improved Leg Strength and Endurance:
    • Cycling engages various muscle groups in the legs, including quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves, helping to improve strength and endurance over time.
  8. Monitoring Progress:
    • Many stationary bikes come with built-in monitors or can be connected to fitness apps, allowing you to track your progress, monitor your heart rate, and set fitness goals.
  9. Stress Reduction:
    • Regular exercise, including cycling, can contribute to stress reduction and improved mental well-being by releasing endorphins, the body’s natural mood boosters.
  10. Versatility for All Fitness Levels:
    • Stationary bikes are suitable for individuals of various fitness levels, from beginners to advanced users.
    • You can start with low resistance and gradually increase it as your fitness improves.

Before starting any new exercise routine, especially if you have existing health concerns, it’s advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or fitness expert to ensure that the chosen activity aligns with your health and fitness goals.

Aspect Stationary Bike Road Bike
Environment Indoors, controlled environment Outdoors, exposed to varying conditions
Terrain and Resistance Adjustable resistance, constant terrain Natural variations, hills, and changing terrain
Navigation/Exploration Limited, stationary position Opportunities to explore different routes
Safety Generally considered safer Potential exposure to traffic and road hazards
Social Interaction Often a solo activity or group classes Opportunities for group rides, clubs, and socializing
Caloric Burn and Skill Development Targeted workouts, adjustable intensity Engages a broader range of muscles, dynamic experience
Training Specificity Effective for specific training goals Varied training environment, overall